
Oxford College of Engineering and Management (OCEM) is one of the renowned educational institution in Nepal established in 2000 AD. Currently, OCEM provides two levels of education- undergraduate and secondary and preparing for the postgraduate education.

OCEM has two streams undergraduate- School of Science and Technology and School of Business. Under the school of science and technology student can enjoy Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) which was introduced in 2000 AD, and Bachelor of Civil Engineering (BE Civil) was introduced at 2008 AD. And Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic (BE Ele & ElX) was introduced in 2009 AD. Under the School of Business currently students can enjoy Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), introduced in 2004 AD. All undergraduate courses are thought on semester and evaluation system is done by absolute grading system and relative grading system with full marks of 4.0.

Application procedure for undergraduate programmes

Applications for most of our undergraduate programmes are made both online and by physically present. There is only one academic session for undergraduate programme which is start from August and each programme has allocated quota (BCA-96, BE Civil-96, BE Ele& Elx- 48 and BBA 96)

Entry Requirement
BCA BBA BE CIVIL and Ele & Elx
• Students with majors in Mathematics or Computer Science in Class XI/XII or PCL or equivalent board recognized by Pokhara University securing at least 'C' garde in each subject or second division(45%) for admission. • Students of intermediated (Management, Science and Arts (with economics) can apply for the BBA program securing at least 'D+' garde in each subject or second division(45%) for admission • Students of intermediated (science stream) or equivalent (diploma in engineering) can apply for the engineering study securing at least 'C' garde in each subject or second division(45%)

How to Apply

  • First visit at OCEM and get counseling for which subject is better for you?
  • Fill-up the application form.
  • Attend the entrance exam
  • Attend the interview
  • Take admission
  • Fill-up registration form
  • Attend the class.